Imagine a world in which communicating fluently in 200+ languages was as simple as clicking a button. That's KUDO

Our Vision

To give everyone the power to understand and be understood in their own language.

Our Mission

To combine human and AI power into multilingual solutions that enable people to communicate effortlessly in any language – wherever they are.

Our Values

  • Inclusion
  • Productivity
  • Growth

Who are we?

Use Cases Research

We power the UX focus groups your start-up needs to expand into Asia.

We enable every employee in your organization to follow the quarterly projections, Town Halls, and All-Hands in their own language.

Use Cases Town Halls
Use Cases Internal Comms

We translate the speeches of world leaders in real time during summits, conferences, and broadcasts.

We allow you to run your webinars and training courses effortlessly in any language so that you can focus on what’s most important – the content.

Use Cases Training Webinars

Because ‘Business English’ is the international language of yesterday.

The secret sauce

Icon Team
An international team of the best language and technology experts in the business
Icon Solution
A powerful AI-powered solution and 12,000 of the world’s top language interpreters
Icon Clients
300+ clients whose evolving needs shape every upgrade of KUDO technology

KUDO is your perfect match if:

You want to grow your business or boost productivity.

Data protection is important to you.

You’re looking for live, hybrid, or in-person.

You need technical support as well as language interpretation.

You have 1 meeting for which you need interpretation or 1,000.

Inclusion is hot on your radar.

Passionate about language and technology?
Join the team leading the march.

Want to be part of a global organization that’s changing how the world communicates?